Saturday, November 16, 2013

A Step Forward

Katie's Commons, a community garden, took a step forward this week.  The Congregation Council of Gloria Dei Church voted to sponsor the community garden as a ministry of the congregation and support it as a community administered project.  This means that the council oversees the good order of the ministry and its finances.  The congregation dedicates land, gives access to water, and use of the tool shed.  And the larger community shares in the administration and work of Katie's Commons.  We have an excellent model to follow in the Stone Soup Food Pantry, a ministry of Mulberry United Methodist Church, administered and staffed by representatives of all three Mulberry churches.  Stone Soup Food Pantry will be a partner in the community garden ministry.

Things begin to get a little complicated for me from this point.  I know myself to be an experienced dreamer and an introvert.  Now it is time to put the community into community garden.  I need to share my dream and allow room for others' visions.  I need to share the work also.  A commentary on a reading in this week's lectionary, Isaiah 65:17-25, reminded me that new things are created from the weaving of the people's work and God's work and that which is created from such collaboration includes joy, delight and peace.  My challenge then is to be open to what God and people bring to Katie's Commons.  Our challenge is to find and invite many partners into the garden.

In the weeks to follow this collaboration will take shape, plans will be made and Katie's Commons will begin to become manifest.  Your prayers are needed, your ideas welcomed, your involvement encouraged and in the spring your strong back and shovel are absolutely necessary.  :)

The Commons is a community of volunteers planning, planting, tending, harvesting, and giving food for the common good.  The Commons is God's gift of good land lovingly worked for the commonwealth.  The Commons is knowledge preserved, discovered, grown, and shared for the common well-being.

1 comment:

  1. It's taking shape! My thoughts and prayers are with you. Wish I was there to help! (Well, maybe not...dirt ain't my thang.
